Sister Organizations

The International Real Estate Society (IRES) is a federation of regional real estate societies. Each Society maintains control over its own activities while participating in the federation to get the benefits of global cooperation.
The mission of IRES is to:
- Encourage communication, cooperation and coordination regarding real estate research and education on a world-wide basis.
- Encourage and assist in the establishment of real estate education and research programs on a world-wide basis.
- Encourage research on international real estate topics.
- Encourage and facilitate faculty exchanges.

The American Real Estate Society (ARES), founded in 1985, is an association of real estate thought leaders. Members are drawn from academia and the profession at large, both in the United States and internationally. The Society is dedicated to producing and disseminating knowledge related to real estate decision making and the functioning of real estate markets.
The objectives of the American Real Estate Society are to encourage research and promote education in real estate, improve communication and exchange of information in real estate and allied matters among college/university faculty and practicing professionals, and facilitate the association of academic, practicing professional, and research persons in the area of real estate.

The Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) was established in 1996 with an aim to produce and disseminate real estate related knowledge with particular emphasis on Asia. Starting with 60 founding members, AsRES has grown rapidly. In a short period, AsRES has established her presence in Asia by holding conferences in Hong Kong, Taipei, Hawaii, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, and Singapore.

The European Real Estate Society (ERES) was established in 1994 to create a structured and permanent network between real estate academics and professionals across Europe. The Society is dedicated to promoting and advancing the field of real estate research throughout Europe. Incorporating many national property research societies, academic researchers and real estate practitioners, the annual conference and regular publications provide a forum for information flow and debate on research issues.

The aim of the Middle East and North Africa Real Estate Society (MENARES) is to encourage research and promote education in real estate markets; improve communication and exchange of information and ideas in real estate; facilitate closer association of university faculties within the region; encourage professionalism in practices related to real estate and associated areas of construction, planning, development and finance; provide a forum for discussion and leadership within the real estate profession.

The Latin American Real Estate Society (LARES) was established in 2000 as another regional real estate society under IRES. The Society is a service organization, non-bureaucratic, whose main goal is to diffuse information and knowledge between the real estate professional and academic communities through publications and technical meetings.

The Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) was established in 1993 to provide a formal focus for property researchers, educators and practitioners in the Pacific-Rim region. The Society has over 120 members from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Korea. The Pacific Rim Property Research Journal is the official quarterly refereed journal of and is intended to offer academics and practitioners a forum for the dissemination of the latest ideas in property research in the Pacific Rim region.

The IREBS Foundation for African Real Estate Research was founded in 2010 by Prof. Dr. Karl-Werner Schulte (HonRICS) and several founding donors. The nonprofit institution is a civil foundation with legal capacity and is registered and supervised by the Government of Upper Palatine.