2nd December 2022

Nairobi conference 2023 2

The 22nd AfRES Annual Conference

Pathways to sustainable real estate investment in the Sub Saharan African (SSA) Countries

13th - 15th of September 2023, Nairobi, Kenya

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About The Theme

Pathways to Sustainable Real Estate Investment in the Sub-Saharan African (SSA) Countries

Nairobi, Kenya.

13th - 15th September, 2023

The theme takes cognizance of the evolving dialogues from the past 21 annual conferences. This dialogue has shifted from a focus on natural resources management (land, sustainability and environment) in the early years (2001-2007) to real estate markets in the latter years (2009-2021). The 22nd Conference theme pays attention to emerging issues in the 21st Century to sustainable real estate investment in the Sub Saharan African (SSA) countries. The conference organisers have made it as a priority that all the discussions and presentations will be guided and aligned to the Africa’s Goals & Priority Areas of Agenda 2063 relevant to sustainable real estate investment and the goal to stimulate debate on the future of real estate research and education in the region including a PhD Colloquia for African PhD Students around the Continent.
The AfRES Annual Conference provides an open forum for the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of research in areas such as real estate finance, economics, appraisal, investment and asset management. Nairobi is poised to be yet another historic launching pad of the much-awaited Annual Conference of AfRES in 2023.

Thematic Areas

Best Paper Award Categories

Who can participate?

Participation Fees

The Participation Fees are Highly Subsidised
Register to participate in the the 22nd AfRES Annual Conference

Key Dates to be announced soon

  • Abstract Submission (refereed papers) date
  • Masterclass Session to be held on the 12 th September 2022
  • Abstract Submission (non-refereed papers) date

Accra Conference: 6-9 September, 2022

The theme chosen for the 2022 conference is “Redefining the future of Real Estate in Africa”. Undoubtedly the real estate industry plays a major role in the development mix in many economies. The recent global health pandemic has been an unprecedented disruptor in the world´s social and economic fabric. The housing market has slowed down due to a decline in economic activities, employment and household incomes. The home office has become a critical extension of the office space in many organisations. Real estate professionals have had to adopt digital tools such as Skype, Google Meet and Zoom to conduct house inspection in order to minimize the risk of infection. The implications of these dynamics will redefine the future of real estate in Africa and the rest of the world. The 2022 conference will bring together real estate professionals, academics and other allied groups to discuss the changing dynamics of the real estate market, the emerging implications and the policy recommendations for governments, businesses and households.
The conference location is in Accra Ghana. It was once the “Gold Coast” of Africa, for its extensive gold reserves. After independence from British rule, Ghana reverted back to its pride in the Ashanti Empire, renaming itself “Ghana” or “Warrior King” in Soninke language. Today it is considered the “Gateway to Africa” for its strategic position in the Gulf of Guinea, a few degrees north of the equator. Its location advantage has made Ghana and its ports, a critical base for connecting with the rest of the continent. Today, trade, commerce and entrepreneurial spirit mark the modern ethos of Ghana.
When you are in Ghana, you can expect your senses to be assaulted by the vivid expressions of a culture steeped in family values, ethnicity and gaiety. Everything is about colour and symbolisation. The Ghanaian love for life reflects in our choice of clothes and artefacts. Visiting Ghana is more about the immersive experience than typical touristy sight-seeing. The country is a confluence of rich heritage, culture, pride and hospitality which welcomes you from the heart. Ghana has an abundance of natural beauty, and remote wilderness. Come and experience the profound Ghanaian hospitality during AfRES 2022. Akwaaba, and welcome to Ghana. The conference encourages the submission of papers with a broad spectrum of real estate related issues.
  1. Affordable Housing/ Social Housing
  2. Sustainable Real Estate/ Smart Housing/ Green Building Initiatives
  3. Sustainable Financing/ Mortgage
  4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)/ PropTech
  5. Macroeconomic policy and Housing Developments
  6. Real Estate Valuation
  7. Land Administration and management
  8. CREM/ Property & Facility Management
  9. Real estate market research
  10. Research priorities for real estate education/ curricula
Best Paper Award Categories
  • Best investment paper
  • Best sustainable real estate paper
  • Best valuation paper
  • IFC Best paper (Green Buildings)
  • IREBS Dupuis award for affordable housing in Africa
  • Dr Gisela Schulte memorial award for women in African real estate
Key Dates:
  • Abstract Submission (refereed papers) – before 30th May 2022
  • Abstract Submission (non-refereed papers) – before 27th June 2022
Conference registration/ abstract submission: For more information, contact conference Co-Chairs: and

Payment Gateway:

Past Conferences

2021: Lusaka, Zambia (Virtual) 2020: Lusaka, Zambia (Postponed: Covid-19) 2019: Arusha, Tanzania 2018: Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria 2017: Johannesburg, South Africa; Photos 2016: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2015: Kumasi, Ghana 2014: Cape Town, South Africa 2013: Kigali, Rwanda 2012: Accra, Ghana 2011: Windhoek, Namibia


For more information contact the conference planning commitee

Nicky Nzioki Chairman, 

East Africa Chapter  Email:

Dennis Mbugua Mutham, Ph D
Professor Washington H A. Olima, Ph. D
Catherine Kariuki, Immediate past President, AfRES
Dr. Felician Komu, Ph.D.
Dr Mwenda Makathimo Ph.D.

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